Sunday, July 17, 2011

OK, I am gonna give this blogger thingy a try!!

OK, Please be patient with me I am gonna give this a try because a friend and myself have started a little hobby. I have become addicted to thrift finds and refurbishing and recycling things!! I have learned so much from so many people and have been inspired by them i have decided to try to dig my heals in and give it a try. Even though i do work full time and a second job at night and try to help out at the attic to antique market my brother and sister in law have opened on the weekends i am still gonna give this a try!!LOL I enjoy doing it and have not had a lot of time to do the projects that i have all in my little head but hopefully i can get some things going soon. I have a few things in our booth that i will post pictures of later. So, anyways hang in there with me and maybe we can share some ideas and you guys can help me along the way:)


  1. Welcome to blogland! Thanks for liking my FB page and good luck with all your ventures. If I can do a blog you can too. You go girls!

  2. Thank you for liking my FB page :) Love your background photo. Looking forward to following your page!

